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The Controversial Issues of Abortion and the Death Penalty

Abortion and the death penalty are two controversial issues that have been debated for decades. Both topics are highly sensitive and evoke strong emotions from people with differing viewpoints. In this article, we will explore the arguments for and against these issues. Abortion Arguments in favor of abortion: A woman has the right to choose what to do with her own body, including whether or not to have an abortion. Women should have access to safe and legal abortions to prevent them from seeking dangerous and unsafe alternatives. Abortions can be necessary in cases of rape, incest, or when the mother's life is in danger. A fetus is not considered a human being until it is viable outside of the womb, and therefore, does not have the same rights as a fully developed human being. Arguments against abortion: Abortion is morally wrong and violates the sanctity of human life. It is the responsibility of the mother to protect and care for her unborn child. Adoption is a viable alternativ

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